Care Ministry

The Banwell Care Team is a ministry comprised of trained and dedicated volunteers who provide care to members and adherents of Banwell Community Church. Whether it is a friendly visit to encourage someone, meeting a shut-in at their home, sitting beside a patient in the hospital or nursing home, or coming alongside someone in a season of grief, we understand that each interaction is filled with tremendous potential for ministry. As we do, we serve as representatives of Christ, our church, and our Care Team.
Each month, the Banwell Care Team meets to update our Active Care List which contains the names of members and adherents of our church who are shut-ins, nursing home residents, hospital patients, those in hospice, or going through a season of recovery of grief and are in need of Christian care.
As the Active Care List is updated, team members are assigned and commit to ensuring that each individual receives personal connection and care.
If you would like to know more about our care ministry at Banwell or to share a care need, please reach out to us using the following email: