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Mission and Outreach

Our Mission Partners

A Refugee Claimant is an person who has fled their home country due to a “well-founded fear of being persecuted for reasons of race, religion, nationality, membership in a particular social group, or political opinion” and request asylum or protection upon arrival in Canada.

Matthew House Windsor brings hope by providing a temporary home and settlement supports for Refugee Claimants, empowering them to become contributing members of the Canadian community.

Banwell Community Church supports the Matthew House on a monthly basis, both financially and through prayer. On a number of occasions, individuals a part of the Banwell family have also volunteered their time assisting with Matthew House projects. There is always a need! If you are interested in volunteering your time to help or to learn more about this ministry, click below for more information. 




New Generations Church is located on the top of a mountain in Chichicastenango, Guatemala. We work with our local Indigenous people (Quiche tribe).


We are very blessed to be able to serve our local communities in many various ministries. The primary focus of New Generation Church is to follow the Great Commission given in Matthew 28. Our aim is to start with the kids to teach them as they grow into adulthood to create a new generation of Christians in Guatemala.


We equip and train the new generation to follow Jesus. Working with them while they are young gives us the opportunity to pour into them so that they desire to become disciples who make more disciples.


We have church services with the children every Tuesday where we teach them worship songs and Bible stories. Food is provided for all who join us!


To support Pastor Juan and the work of New Generation Church in Guatemala, click below and scroll down to find "LG Guatemala Juan Pol"


JaN & AnA frankA


Jan & Ana Franka have returned to serve in Eastern Europe (primarily Slovakia and Serbia) through ABWE Canada, following a time of pre-field ministry in Canada. Jan Franka previously pastored the Eastern European community at Grace Baptist Church in Windsor, Ontario for a number of years before returning to the mission field in 2020. Jan & Ana Franka have 3 main ministries in both Slovakia and


1) Street Literature Evangelism – Provide Christian literature to the unsaved; travelling from city to city offering literature and Gospel tracks at markets and city squares; sharing the Gospel one-on-one.

2) Media Ministry – Partnering with local Christian radio stations; producing radio and video messages; translating and publishing Christian literature

3) Preaching Ministry – Help the local churches grow and evangelize the unsaved by organizing public evangelistic events.


Banwell Community Church has been supporting Jan & Ana Franka  through monthly financial and prayer support. The Franka’s regular Ministry Updates can be found on their Facebook page: 

Bethany Kids - Surgeons.jpg

Francesca kibe


Francesca Kibe works with BethanyKids in Kenya and is focused on bringing the hope of Jesus to children living with various forms of disability. Born with a disability herself, Francesca has worked hard to change the stigmas around disability amongst children. In her teenage years she met the surgeon who founded BethanyKids who not only helped her medically, but also introduced her to Jesus. Not only did she begin to follow Jesus in that moment, but many in her family followed as well.

Now Francesca works with BethanyKids helping others who are in the same situation she was. She is inspiring hope in young people, resourcing those in need and helping churches learn the skills to better support and make space for those suffering on the margins.

Her full story can be seen here.

To learn more about the work of BethanyKids across Africa visit their website, or watch this short 40 second clip about their work.


conrad & fiona kwok


Conrad and Fiona Kwok serve as Senior Associates of Chinese Ministries within the Canadian Partnerships Department. They help connect CBM ministries with Canadian churches by building deeper relationships and exploring SENT opportunities. They continue to nurture ongoing ministries in the Golden Triangle (Thailand, Myanmar, Laos), Germany, and East Asia.

Conrad and Fiona first joined CBM in 2013 as Field Staff based in the Golden Triangle Region in Thailand working in Christian education, drug rehabilitation, kids at risk, and community development. In 2018, they became team leaders of the Chinese Ministries Team (CMT), guiding Field Staff while strategically assisting CBM’s partners. In 2021, they relocated to Toronto to help bridge the gap between churches in Canada and local churches overseas.


Conrad worked in business and management prior to full-time ministry in 2002. After completing his theological training (Tyndale Seminary) in 2004, he was the Mandarin pastor at Brampton Chinese Baptist Church and led church planting efforts in Milton, Mississauga, and Burlington. Fiona worked with Canadian Baptists of Ontario & Quebec as an office manager for 13 years before her deployment. They have two married children and three grandchildren. Click on the button to lean more and how you can support the Kwoks. 



2400 Banwell Road

Windsor, ON

N8P 1X9



office@banwellchurch.orgMon. - Thu.  9am-5pm

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